Year: 2024
Soundboard: Spruce
Shell: Cypress
Neck: Limetree with decoration in Ebony and Maple
Bridge: Pearwood
Pegs: Ebony
Finish: Shellac
As project of the third year at the "Scuola di Liuteria" I have chosen the measurement and construction of a Theorbo. The model was an archlute, built in 1705 by Josef de Carnitis in Rome and is currently displayed at the music museum in Milan. The tuning and the strings of the theorbo differ from the archlute but I could adopt the design of the construction.
You can find images of the measuring and construction process below:
Measuring the Original archlute at the Museum of musical instruments in Milan
Team (from left o right):
Bob Van de Kerckhove
Annette von Fischer
Fulvio Fatica
Simone Franzini